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Member Benefits

Our membership plan is a multi-level earning opportunity. By joining at Level 1 with a $500 membership fee, you can earn significant referral bonuses as you and your referrals progress through different levels. Would you like a detailed explanation of each level?

What do you mean by level?

Certainly! Here’s a breakdown: - - Level 1: Join by paying $500. Refer 10 members and earn a $50 bonus each, totaling $500. Level 2: Your 10 referrals each refer 10 members, and you earn $20 each from 100 members, totalling $2000. - - - - Level 3: Earn $10 each from 1000 members referred by Level 2 members, totalling $10,000. Level 4: Earn $5 each from 10,000 members referred by Level 3 members, totalling $50,000. Level 5: Earn $5 each from 100,000 members referred by Level 4 members, totalling $500,000. Level 6: Earn $10 each from 1,000,000 members referred by Level 5 members, totalling $10,000,000.

Do I need to renew my license?

Certainly! Here’s a breakdown: - - Level 1: Join by paying $500. Refer 10 members and earn a $50 bonus each, totaling $500. Level 2: Your 10 referrals each refer 10 members, and you earn $20 each from 100 members, totalling $2000. - - - - Level 3: Earn $10 each from 1000 members referred by Level 2 members, totalling $10,000. Level 4: Earn $5 each from 10,000 members referred by Level 3 members, totalling $50,000. Level 5: Earn $5 each from 100,000 members referred by Level 4 members, totalling $500,000. Level 6: Earn $10 each from 1,000,000 members referred by Level 5 members, totalling $10,000,000.

How we can refer peoples and manage our levels ?

How we can refer peoples and manage our levels ?

What are the age requirements to become a member?

You must be at least 16 years old at the time of registering for membership. There is no maximum age limit for membership.

Do you deduct taxes when disbursing the referral bonuses?

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Can you tell me more about the opportunities for business expansion?

Certainly! With GCOCI membership, you'll have the chance to: 1.Connect with international business leaders and decision-makers. 2.Participate in trade missions and delegations. 3.Participate in trade missions and delegations. 4.Collaborate on joint ventures and projects with other members. 5.Receive support and guidance on entering new markets.


Here are some tips to make successful referrals: 1. Share your unique referral link on social media platforms. 2. Explain the benefits and earning potential of our membership plan to potential members. 3. Highlight the growth opportunity, likening it to sowing seeds that grow into a fruitful tree. 4. Offer guidance and support to your referrals as they begin their journey.

What does meant by levels ?

Here are some tips to make successful referrals: 1. Share your unique referral link on social media platforms. 2. Explain the benefits and earning potential of our membership plan to potential members. 3. Highlight the growth opportunity, likening it to sowing seeds that grow into a fruitful tree. 4. Offer guidance and support to your referrals as they begin their journey.

Can you join GCOCI even if you are on work permit ?

Yes, you can join and also refer others. This is not employment but rather just a reference, so it doesn’t conflict with your work permit conditions.

Can | receive referral bonuses directly into my salary account? Is it legal?

Yes, you can receive referral bonuses directly into your account. The amount is taxable, and you are required to declare it as earnings through reference, ensuring compliance with legal and tax obligations.

l am currently on a student visa. Am | eligible to join the membership program?

Yes, you can join. This is not considered employment but rather a referral incentive or income. taxable but doesn't fall under direct or indirect employment or salary, aligning with the conditions of your student visa.

I am on a tourist visa; can | still become a member?

Yes, you can join. However, you'll need to provide your home country bank account details for the referral bonuses, and you are liable to pay taxes according to your home country's income tax regulations.

Is it possible to take two memberships?

No, you can only have one membership. However, any of your family members or friends are welcome to take another membership.
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